The Great Lakes Architectural Expedition
Survey II
The second survey of the Great Lakes Architectural Expedition’s work focuses on the public outreach conducted around The Last Impervious Surface in Portage County Ohio. The film “The New Borderlands” explores the history and current disposition of the “bridging counties” which straddle the Great Lakes Watershed line and the existing diversions which move water from one watershed to another.
A set of three 1’=50’ risk assessment drawings examines remediation options for the Portage County Spillway; analyzing new runoff flow patterns, bioswale locations and protection of exsting buildings, and suggested areas of existing ashpalt and other impervious surfaces to be removed and replaced with pervious substitutes. These multimedia pieces recognize the imperative of repair and infrastructure, as well as the responsibility to communicate such programs to the public in an effective, graphically compelling manner.
Cleveland, Ohio
Press: Cleveland Plain Dealer, Archdaily
Supported by The Ohio State University LeFevre Emerging Practitioner Fellowship and Kent State University
Project Team: Melissa Folzenlogen, Chad Boston